Ankidyne's Science Park
Pioneers in Play Equipment for Kids
is the little nudge you’re looking for your kids to drive them through the right academic path. Nagging kids day in and out to study hard might not always what the kids wanted to hear.
A science park is one way to create some love for books. Amidst all the subjects it is natural to lose track of your passion and the career path. Going to the park and learning from the equipment and playing with it is more interesting than a lecture.
A science park equipment is a great addition to any school. Having an Ankidyne play and science park equipment at your school increase your credibility thereby bringing more admissions to your school.
Ankidyne science park set comes with its own conceptual detail, easy for kids to self-learn. But it doesn’t hurt to take students out for a field trip and teach the entire concept while experimenting with the equipment. It is true that practical learning is easy to grasp than theoretical learning. If a kid is not doing well on any subject try giving them the option of practical learning or self-learning. View more...
The best possible recommendations for us come from the people with first-hand experience of what we're like to work with
We would like to express to you our warmest admiration for your unfailing service to us as one of our regular suppliers.
We greatly appreciate your efficiency in providing best products and services.You have always delivered our orders with in the time and frame and you have given us suppliers that are of the best quality.Our business relationships have always resulted in various successful projects.
We are thankful and hope you will continue with your exceptional service in this year and the coming years as well.We will be happy in continuing our service and we hope that our working relations with you will continue for more years to come. We look forward for long association with you.
Greatly Aprreciating from Steps Stone
We have received the ordered Science Park gadgets in good condition and got erected by your persons satisfactorily.
Childrens Museum, Government Museum Egmore. Chennai
This is to certify that Ankidyne, Chennai based company has been engaged for repair of some science park gadgets of our school.the work has been satisfactorily completed by the technician sent by the same.
Sadhu Vaswani International School for Girls
This is to certify that workers from M/S ANKIDYNE, Chennai had visited our university to install twenty four numbers of Science Models supplied by them to the University. They have installed the models with utmost sincerity and very efficiently to our satisfaction.
I wish them all success in life.
Dibrugarh University
Ankidyne has been in the field of manufacturing and installing high quality outdoor playground equipment and science park gadgets since 1993. Ankidyne also imports high quality indoor play equipment for children up to 5 yrs old. Our wide range of products are installed in schools, housing colonies, apartments, public parks, hotels, motels, malls, resorts, theme parks, play schools, creches etc., to cater the needs of young and energetic children. Children of all ages enjoy the fun and thrill of outdoor games. Those curious and enthusiastic little minds love to play all the time.
Playground equipment is the most powerful tool to channelize their energy and desire to play around. Ankidyne provides complete solution, right from the selection of play equipment suitable for the play area according to budget, fabricating with quality raw material and trained technicians, erecting the same by trained personnel and assuring trouble free enjoyment by offering periodical service and maintenance contract.
Team Ankidyne is keen on safety, durability, elegance, economy and on time service for a happy play time of the children. Ankidyne is also pioneering the field of science park installation in India and abroad for play way learning of science through open air science gadgets. (Demand science park catalogue if needed) We Ankidyne have the commitment to make the children joyful ever. These smiling faces boost our energy to forge ahead with more vigor.
Team Ankidyne’s motto is “Ever satisfied customer everywhere”.